• Food

    Crazy Cool Fruits (Part 1)

    In Thailand you can go to a market and you’ll see soooooooo many fruits that you never even knew existed! There are mangosteens, rambutans, guava, durian, and soo many more. Let me show you some!


    This might be my FAVORITE fruit ever! It is called a mangosteen. It’s very dark purple on the outside but a pearl white on the inside. You know if it is good if the peel is a little bit squishy. And to open it all you have to do is gently squeeze until the peel cracks open and then peel the rest of the peel off and enjoy! It tastes so good and sweet and unlike any thing else! Also you will notice here that mangosteens are not allowed in hotels because they stain really bad.


    This might be my SECOND favorite fruit! 🙂 It is called guava. I only like a certain kind of guava that I like to call neon guava. I call it neon gave because they take the guava and dip it in some sweet juice that gives it a neon green color and makes it sweet! The seeds look kinda like teeth lol and really hurt your teeth if you bite them. I really like the flavor but I don’t know how to explain it. I guess you’ll just have to come here and find out 😏

    I’m sure you’ve had watermelon and cantaloupe but the one I’m eating in this picture is guava.


    Next up is durian. Durian also isn’t allowed a hotels because it smells like dirty socks that got puked up by a skunk and it tastes even worse. To learn more about it, go to Josiahs post about stinkfruit.


    Have you ever heard of a rambutan? it is a red fruit with what looks like grass growing out if it. It does not have much flavor, but the flavor that it does have is really sweet and delicious! You open it a lot like you open a mangosteen. But the redder the better!

    Which of these fruit would you try?

  • Family,  Food

    Making Lemonade:)

    When we first moved, the other missionary families took us out to their favorite restaurants. There are coffee shops everywhere with fun and fancy drinks to try. It is way cheaper to buy drinks here than it is in America. But even though you can buy a drink for about 50 baht (that’s like $1.50) my mom says it is still too expensive for all of us to have fun drinks like that all the time and that it wasn’t in the budget. That made me sad because I loved having pink drinks and smoothies and fruit shakes. Then Mom thought maybe we could learn how to make some of our favorite drinks at home and see if it would cost less that way.

    At first I wasn’t very “in” to the idea, but I thought that I would give it a go. So I made a menu, watched tutorials, and adjusted measurements. Now I make fancy drinks for my family almost every day. My mom says that I am taking lemons and making lemonade. But actually I don’t make lemonade; here are some of the things I do make:


    The first thing that I made was sodas. I took some carbonated water and added some simple syrup and flavoring to make a delicious fizzy drink! But the picture down below is not of a soda this picture is of a drink I call a Refresher.

    Tallulah loved sodas, but let’s just say they made her gassy; when she burped in our faces it was pleasant for no one. So we thought: How can we make a drink for Tallulah that isn’t fizzy but still delicious? Instead of using bitter soda water, I tried using coconut water. And that is how the Refresher came along! And the funny thing is, no one even gets sodas any more. The Refreshers are soooo good everyone likes them better! The flavor I’m showing here is raspberry because it is Tallulah’s favorite flavor. ( I couldn’t even get the photo before she took a BIG sip!)


    This next drink is one of my favorites. We call it a Pink Drink. The name and flavor was inspired by the Starbuck’s Pink Drink. If you’ve ever had a Starbucks Pink Drink you would already know that this drink is delicious! (By the way, all of the drinks I have mentioned so far can be made with different flavors such as strawberry, raspberry, blue paradise, and melon. Josiah’s favorite is peach.)


    This next drink is Mom’s favorite! Its a Creamy Cold Brew Coffee and it is just sooo good. What I like to do is ring the bell and then pour my homemade Cold Foam so that my “customer” can see their coffee while it’s beautiful!


    Almost every drink that I listed you can order blended, which makes it a Frappuccino! These are super good and look beautiful!

    I am so glad that I gave this a try because I love it! When grow up I want to be a barista!! If you ever come to visit us you can get a snack from Jeremiah’s Snack Shack and a drink from my Keim Cafe!

    If you came to Keim Cafe, what drink would you get?!

  • Family,  Life in Thailand

    Sticky Falls

    Yesterday, we discovered one of my favorite places in the whole entire world! We went to Sticky Falls, which is a place where you can climb up waterfalls. But think of it more like hiking. It wasn’t like you would normally picture a waterfall, it was more like a mountain of rocks with water flowing down them.

    It also was not slippery like you would think that it would be, for the most part at least. It wasn’t hard to climb because it really was sticky. But not gooey sticky or gluey sticky, it was grippy sticky. Your foot wouldn’t slide, it would sort of grab on. Maybe imagine being a gecko climbing up a wall: the wall isn’t sticky and the gecko isn’t sticky, but it still sticks like a suction cup.

    Sticky Falls was sooooo beautiful, and unlike anything I have ever seen or experienced before.

    STICKY FALLS IS AWESOME!! If you ever come to visit me in Thailand, this is a place I will definitely want to take you to! I would go back there any day.