Family,  Food

The Snack Shack

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Our kitchen has the coolest window. It slides open and it slides shut. On one side of the window, it is the kitchen and on the other side, it is the dining room. I came up with the coolest idea: what if I served snacks from the kitchen to people in the dining room?

From there, it became “The Snack Shack.” First my sister, Selah, bought a cash register. Then my dad put shelves in so that we could pass things out from there. Now I sell candy, and Oreos, and Beng Bengs (which are candy bars that are like rice krispies with chocolate on them). And now I am partnered in association with a business called “Keim Café.” Selah can tell you about that.

For a couple of days, during math time for school, mom and I figured out how much everything should cost. We took the total price for a box, counted how many things were in the box, and then divided up the price. In my head I could estimate how much each thing cost. We have 5 baht treats and 10 baht treats. That way people could pay for it with the money we get each week for snacks.


Jeremiah, AKA Gino, was born in Bangkok, Thailand. Although he has spent most of his life in America and is a citizen of the United States, he is proud to return to the country of his birth to learn more about what it means to be a citizen of both the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of Heaven. Be watching for updates about his adventures and discoveries!

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